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Instrucciones del portal para padres eSchool en español
The ability to add/delete/update your Emergency Contacts are now available on the eSchool Parent Portal and allows custodial Guardians to update this very important information.
When you log into the Parent Portal, you will be prompted to verify all contact information. YOU MUST COMPLETE A FORM FOR EACH CHILD. BE SURE TO CLICK ON EACH PROFILE SEPARATELY TO ENSURE THE EMERGENCY CONTACTS ARE ACCURATE.
The Parent Portal provides you with 24/7 access to your child’s academic information. With a parent portal account, you may log on at any time to view information regarding your child’s progress reports, report cards and attendance. Reports cards and progress reports are no longer being mailed home. They are available only on the eSchool Parent Portal.
A parent portal account provides you with a sort of one-stop shopping no matter how many children you have in the district or which buildings your children attend. The computer does all the work of correctly matching you up with your children and only your children.
Because of the family oriented design of the database, you will not need multiple login accounts. As you register that new kindergartner, their information will instantly be pushed to your portal view.
New Portal Accounts
To create a new account, click on the link at the top of this page. Underneath the login button, first time users can use the click here to create a new account. See below for account request page tips.
Type your name exactly as it appears on correspondence sent from the school (i.e. if your name is Edward, do not use Ed on the account request page).
Only sign up for one child—once your account is approved you will automatically gain access to all of your children. You will have to enter your child's school ID number. This is located on report cards and/or student ID.
Use an e-mail address that that you provided when you registered your child.. The only way to reset your password is via e-mail. If your e-mail address changes, you will need to request a new account.
Once you have successfully submitted your account request, district personnel will review your request. You will receive an e-mail containing a link to activate that account. Once you have activated your account, you are ready to login and view your child’s information. (Please allow a minimum of 72 hours for approval.)
Using Portal Accounts
To log into your portal account, please click on the link at the top of this page. Once at the login page, use the e-mail address and password that were used to create the account and click Login. Finally, you must agree to the terms and conditions of the site before gaining access to student information.
Once you are successfully logged into the parent portal, you will be brought to your home page. The home page contains links to each of your children, as well as, district wide announcements. You will also see a My Account link at the top of the page. Use that link to change your password at any time.
To view academic information about your child, you must first select the child from the list on the home page. Once a child is selected, a tabbed browsing screen will display. Each tab corresponds to specific reporting that is generated from the eSchoolData student management system. These tabs include Report Cards, Progress Reports, Schedules, Attendance, and Transcripts. Depending on the grade level, some tabs may not be available to all students. To view information, simply click on the tab containing the information desired.
Having Difficulty?
If you need additional eSchool Parent Portal assistance submit an online support ticket.
Need Assistance? eSchool Support Form
Please try these solutions before you write regarding registration.
If you have been DENIED an account, the primary reason is that the information you provided doesn't match our school data. We have no way of knowing that the registration e-mail is really your e-mail. You cannot call and have the e-mail added for security purposes. You must visit the school to have your e-mail added to our database.
PLEASE DO NOT ABBREVIATE, USE LOWERCASE LETTERS, OR USE NICKNAMES. Your registration will be rejected if you use Bill instead of William, Peggy instead of Margaret. The database will not locate your family. Also do not register as John & Mary Jones. Use ONE name.
If you cannot access the portal, don't get frustrated. we will answer your inquires promptly (even on the weekends). Please include your name, address, problem, and a phone number you can be reached at.
The Rocky Point UFSD wants to assure you that your child’s privacy is of the utmost importance. Access to information is restricted by a secure log-on and password. Rocky Point UFSD will not make your username/password publicly available. It is the parent's/guardian's responsibility to keep the password secure. Furthermore, the information that is posted to this site is merely a copy of the real information file, insuring that no one can alter the actual permanent records through this application.
The information that you will be viewing can be updated by teachers and administrators, so you will be able to view attendance, for example, on a near real-time basis. Please allow 48 hours before calling the school regarding any discrepancies in attendance.
Necessary Notifications
Rocky Point UFSD does not make any guarantee as to the accuracy or timeliness of the information displayed on the Portal. Information retrieved via the Portal site should be regarded as unofficial and non binding. Should questions arise about individual student progress or grade entries for particular classes, the parent or student should communicate directly with the teacher by phone or email.
As with any educational record, please be aware that disclosure by the Rocky Point UFSD, including the contents of this web site, may occur in the event such information is required by a court order, or other reason required by law.
It is important to note that no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be perfectly secure. As a result, while the Rocky Point UFSD strives to protect your student's personal information, we cannot and do not ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us or from our online services, and you do so at your own risk.