Rocky Point Union Free School District


“WARM”-ing up with a Good Book

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Students throughout Joseph Edgar Intermediate School celebrated their love of reading during a monthlong initiative called WARM (We Are Reading More).

Hoping to reach a schoolwide goal of 500,000 minutes, they were asked to read in school and at home for enjoyment, and also engaged in a number of literacy based activities.

Author Douglas Florian visited the students as part of the program and in preparation for his visit, teachers and students read his books and created dragons related to his poetry. Some classes held poetry slams and poetry parades in which they recited his published pieces, and other classes created posters and signs welcoming Mr. Florian to the school.  

In recognition of the school surpassing their goal of 500,000 minutes, students earned a number of raffle prizes. However, the biggest treat was being able to see their teachers take part in competitive yet silly  races, where they competed in various events from a ping-pong ball catch game to a toilet paper mummy wrapping.