Rocky Point Union Free School District


JAE Students Recognize 9/11 Anniversary

students and their 9/11 memorial diaramas thumbnail197609
Students in JAE took a creative approach to commemorate the 20th anniversary of 9/11. Fifth graders in Leah Larson and Laura O’Mahoney’s class used shoeboxes to create dioramas and designed Freedom Towers using other materials, including cardboard, Styrofoam and even Legos.

“Each one is unique and is an amazing tribute to the heroes of that fateful day in American history,” Ms. Larson said.

The students also held a commemorative museum walk in the classroom with patriotic music playing in the background. Students walked around to view their fellow architects’ work and write positive comments on Post-Its. The class also included some literary selections to reflect on the important day in history, including “The Little Chapel That Stood” and “14 Cows for America.” They culminated the readings with a discussion on the themes of hope, selflessness and sacrifice.