Rocky Point Union Free School District


Dedicated to Kindness, Unity and Respect

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JAE held its first Kindness Week recently that showcased a host of ways the students are embracing a culture of kindness, unity and respect at school and beyond. The daily events included an assembly for students to explain the concept behind the initiative, as they set out to challenge themselves to do as many kind acts as they could during the week and beyond. The school started each day with a morning message and kindness quote, the students started a Kindness bingo game which they worked throughout the week to complete, and they set up a “Jump Aboard the Kindness Train” station where participants wrote kind words or acts of kindness on paper train cars that were connected throughout the cafeteria. They also hosted “Crazy for Kindness” and wore funky colored socks; some even sported crazy hair. An additional kindness station was set up in the cafeteria where students wrote and distributed more than 250 cards to show their appreciation to school staff members. During “Powered by Kindness” day, staff and students wore superhero T-shirts, classes made Kindness Chains, and students wore red to support the American Heart Association and participated in the Kids Heart Challenge. At the end of the festive week, it was “Team Kindness,” and everyone wore their favorite sports team or Rocky Point attire. “It was a great week and the kids really embraced being kind,” guidance counselor Mrs. Jean Costa said.